Using The Nilex Morse Tutor
Morse Code
This program teaches you to receive Morse code.
It starts with a few letters and adds more when it sees that you are ready.
It picks letters, numbers, symbols, words, and phrases that it thinks
you need to practice more.
It tries to avoid letters, numbers, symbols you are already
very good at.
The program won't teach you to send code except that sending is
easy to learn on your own once you know how the letters sound.
Quick Start
Test your sound in the top-right corner. Assuming you can hear
morse, just click where it says "Click here to begin", and try
to type the morse that you hear. If you go wrong, you'll see the
correct letter in [square brackets]. Type it. Enjoy!
Details Details Details...
In the top-left, choose the order in which you'd like to learn...
"Q7ZG..." is the order used by Ward / Jim's versions of this
"KMRS..." is used by PU5EPX's
Koch tutor on, and reccommended by
Dave Finley, N1IRZ for
"KMUR..." is a similar order used by most other Koch Method
morse trainers such as,
"AENT... is used by
CWops CW Academy
(thanks, Mary VE3INE, and of course Ken Rainey AC5EZ, Rob Brownstein K6RB)
"TEAN..." was used by previous
by Stephen C Phillips, and
CWops Academy
by Rob Brownstein.
"ANET... Vic VE3YT's order" is a slight variation of the above,
taught by
Vic DiCiccio VE3YT (co-author of
The Successful Ham
Radio Operator's Handbook) in his
CW course and
also in his MP3s.
"ETI5..." is used by
Ham Whisperer in their series of YouThube videos
You can also choose to learn alphabetically.
(Let me know if you want any other orders, they're quite easy to add)
It probably doesn't make
much difference which you pick, but I'd reccommend you pick one
and stick to it.
You can choose to learn Numbers, Symbols, or only
Usually the program will automatically add extra letters / numbers /
symbols as you progress. You can disable this by un-ticking
"Progress" if you wish to stick with a fixed set of letters.
You can also choose to disable
Words and/or Phrases (but they are so much fun!),
QSO bits (CQs, RST reports etc),
Ham Radio Bands,
X+Y=Z maths ("5 MINUS 3 IS 2" etc),
Units ("30 ohms", "3DB", "48KB").
In the top-right, set a comfortable volume. Set the
Speed fast enough that letters sound like a single sound, not a
sequence of dots and dashes. Adjust the Tone to a pitch that
you find pleasing. You can also adjust the KeyShape / keying
envelope, from a very slow rise-and-fall to a super-sharp clicky
square edge. Feel free to "test".
Click in the "Click here" text field to start the program
sending. It will send one letter and then wait for you to type it. It
ignores wrong answers and does not penalize you for guessing. If you
don't type the right letter the program will eventually show you the
letter [in square brackets] and send it again. Let it do
this a few times to learn a new letter.
Press the TAB key, or click outside the text box to pause, and
click in the box again to resume.
The program shows blue bars for the letters it has chosen for your
practice. In gray are letters it is saving for later. The length of
the blue bars indicate how much emphasis the program gives each
letter. You can also click on the bars to enable/disable letters
yourself if you feel you need more control, but you wouldn't normally
need to do this.
Learn Quickly
You will enjoy learning the code more if you do it quickly. You will
need determination that lasts for a week or two. These tips will help
you learn faster.
- Try to spend at least an hour in every practice session. Let the
program start from scratch each time. Show it what you still
- Rest for at least 15 minutes in peace and quiet when you are done.
Your mind has to consolidate what you've learned. Other activity will
- Use the program several times a week but no more than once a day.
Ward's wife learned the code in four sessions in as many days.
- The program sends characters quickly but with all the space
between letters you need. Expect to average at about 5 words per
minute. That is good enough for all ham licenses. Use something like
on-the-air practice,,
Vic VE3YT's MP3s,
CDs, tapes, gramophone records, or phonographs, if you want go
Share the Program
If you enjoy using this Morse Tutor, please spread the word! Tell your
friends! Tell your local radio club!
Leave me a review on!
You can download your own copy of this Javascript / HTML5
Morse Tutor by simply choosing "File / Save Page As" (or similar) in
your browser - this Morse Tutor page has no other external
dependencies, requires no special plugins, and should run OK offline.
Alternatively, you can find simpler versions of this program (without
the words / phrases) for many operating systems at Ward's source
distribution site:
About The Nilex Morse Tutor
© Copyright 1998-2019
"Nosey" Nick Waterman.
This Javascript / HTML5 Morse Tutor is somewhat based on an earlier
2004 FLTK/SDL multimedia version of the
program by
Jim Wilson,
which in turn was based very heavily on "Fully Automatic Morse Code
Teaching Machine" first described in a May 1977 QST (ARRL,
Newington, CT) article of the same name by
This version was originaly very similar to Jim/Ward's version, except
ported to JavaScript / HTML5 to run in a web browser. A
major rewrite in Oct 2019 added...
A new WebAudio sound library, written by my son AwesomeAidenW. This
replaces the previous implementation that downloaded an MP3 for each
letter when required, and/or an even earlier one that relied on
Shockwave Flash for sound.
The new WebAudio library enabled KeyShape / Keying envelope to be
tweaked, and also allowed the page to work fine offline.
Better mobile support. Smartphone keypress events don't work quite how
you'd expect, we have to handle input differently.
Best of all: Words! Phrases! Ham radio equipment! Quotes!
These are taken from...
3000 of google's top words (cleaned by manually removing rude/offensive words)
2284+ "General Service List" words (most popular words / "greatest
general service"), tweaked to include English and American spellings
of some of the words
2 and 3-letter ISO country codes.
(Most) Capital cities and countries of the world.
US states and big cities.
Canadian provinces / territories and big cities.
UK counties.
Some other large world cities.
100 each of the most common US male and female names 2018.
Days of the week, months of the year, etc.
Periodic table of elements (and abbreviations).
A load of quotes from history, movies, books, songs. These are
loads of fun!
A few famous scientists, authors, and radio hams.
Many Ham Radio Q-codes.
Electronic components (names, some common part numbers).
Some common ham abbreviations, jargon, terms, bands, modes,
some top equipment
(EG most popular eham reviews).
Some example call signs (EG club repeaters, celebrity hams).
Short bits of QSOs.
The program also generates sequences (NNNNN, EEEE, etc),
Maths (X PLUS Y IS Z),
Units (23 OHMS, 110VAC, 27 WATTS, 31KHZ, 3DB GAIN),
Bits of QSOs (CQs, RSTs).
To Do
like <BT>,
Any idea how you should type them?
Perhaps by holding SHIFT? (credit K4EGP)
More CW QSOs. More natural QSOs. Perhaps auto-generate
realistic-looking callsigns, or take the top 100+ real calls off
of RBN or dx spots or
something? I already have 4000+ CWOPS calls but need to use them.
Web app manifest - will make it easier to install like an app
Save progress? ... but starting again from scratch next time helps you
"get back into the swing" a bit?
Save settings?
Scoring / Scoreboard / "Achievements" to unlock? Fireworks for
unlocking new letters or reaching new levels of speed, accuracy, round
numbers of letters copied, or copied without error.
Easter eggs - perhaps audio snippets corresponding to some of the
Visual morse mode - flash the dits and dahs instead of sound.
-- thanks Edward G Prentice"
Add QRM/QRN! Configure signal:noise ratios, fading, etc
Add (option for) deliberately bad keying rather than perfect timing
Once you're really good, don't wait. Start to get more than 1
char ahead, reduce the sorta-farnsworth gap until morse spacing is
completely natural, slowing down (/repeating?) only if you get too far
Add (optional) band noise? Lightning crashes? Birdies? Other QRM/QRN?
Teach sending? How? Use your spacebar as a straight key, or 2 keys as
a paddle? Key to USB HID device of some sort? 🤨
Email me if you
have any other ideas!
Many thanks to my son AwesomeAidenW for his WebAudio library help, and
to Vic DiCiccio VE3YT and his
class of CW students
for their inspiration and beta testing.
If you enjoy using this Morse Tutor, please spread the word! Tell your
friends! Tell your local radio club!
Leave me a review
Distributed under the GNU GPL V2 license.
for the latest release.