My name is Nick Waterman, and I am a Radio Amateur

(Me and my daughter at Field day 2008)
VA3NNW, DXCC Canada, ITU 4, CQ Zone 4, Locator EN93rk
G7RZQ, DXCC England, ITU 27, CQ Zone 14, Locator IO91rk (previous)
The rig
- Elecraft K2,
home built
- KPA100 - the internal 100W amplifier
- KAT100 - the external 100W ATU
- KSB2 - the SSB option
- oh, and the finger dimple!
Other equipment
- DL1 20W dummy load
- N-GEN noise generator
- XG1 signal generator
- BL2 switchable 1:1 / 4:1 balun
- Black Widow Paddle
from W5JH
- Delhi DMX48 48ft tower
- lovingly-restored CDE H4 rotor, with my own
Arduino-based "Rotorduino" Rotor controller
- TA-53M antenna
- Random wire antenna
- half-length G5RV
- WX station on APRS, CWOP, wunderground, and
a whole lot of other networks
- I receive local ADSB air traffic and send it to,,,,,,
and probably a few others.
- I look after the
VE3RBM IRLP node 2410 which is also also
Echolink #152298.
We hope to get it on AllStar as well someday, but right now
you can only get 2/3 of the systems to cooperate.
It runs EchoIRLP on a Raspberry Pi Zero W "PIRLP", and talks via a
KWARC-owned Moto Radius M10 to a UHF beam about 2/3 of the way up my
VE3RBM is available across most of the Kitchener-Waterloo region and
up and down a good stretch of the 401, on 444.875 (+ve offset) with
a 131.8 PL tone. See also other
KWARC area Repeaters
My software
I have written a few bits of Amateur-radio related software,
including, but not limited to:
I'm also a member of KWARC - the
Kitchener-Waterloo Amateur Radio Club, and elected 2009-2013
President, holding various other executive positions, including
current treasurer. In Jan 2010 I gave a presentation called
An Introduction To CDMA (updated and improved
for Elmira Radio Club in Sep 2019). In April 2010 I presented
another on PSK31 and WSPR. In Sept 2010 I
demonstrated my LED Dance Floor and in Oct
2010 I put together the KWARC QUIZ [244KB
PDF] with questions from the exec, Industry Canada, and a few
other sources. Several times I've given a presentation about
IRLP and our VE3RBM node.
"I am often asked how radio works.
Well, you see, wire telegraphy is like a very long cat.
You yank his tail in New York and he meows in Los Angeles.
Do you understand this?
Now, radio is exactly the same, except that there is no cat."
-- Albert Einstein