#!/usr/bin/perl -w my $usage = "USAGE: $0 linetype width code [linetype] width will be the width of each code symbol code should be a string of 1s and 0s (which will be 1s and -1s when done) lt is an optional linetype (an integer) EG: $0 8 000111010111010001110111010111000 4\n"; my $w = shift or die $usage; my $code = shift or die $usage; my $lt = shift || 1; my $x = $w / 2; for (split //, $code) { print 'set label "', $_ || -1, '" at ', $x, ",0 center\n"; $x += $w; } print "plot '-' with lines lt $lt\n"; if ($code =~ /^1/) { print "0 -1\n"; } else { print "0 1\n"; } $x = 0; for (split //, $code) { print $x, " ", $_||-1, "\n"; $x += $w; print $x, " ", $_||-1, "\n"; } if ($code =~ /1$/) { print "$x -1\ne\n"; } else { print "$x 1\ne\n"; }