#!/bin/bash -f ###################################################################### # Artemis Nebula Init script, (C) 2015-2020 Nosey Nick Waterman, # https://noseynick.org/artemis/nebula/ # All wrong righted, all rights reserved. Licensed under thev GNU # Affero General Public License v3.0 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt # with Commons Clause https://commonsclause.com/ v1.0 ###################################################################### date "+#### %F %T : Nebula INIT ..." # shellcheck disable=SC1090 # ignore this conf file when shellchecking: [[ -f ~/bin/conf.sh ]] && . ~/bin/conf.sh # env # You may wish to override: [[ "$NAME" ]] || export NAME=271stock [[ "$VNCPASS" ]] || export VNCPASS=sig93air # TOKEN='your-super-long-discord-bot-token-for-discord.sh' # CHAN=1234567890 # ID of the channel that you want to post to # TESTCHAN=0123456789 # ID of the channel to recieve boot progress / uptime notes # MISSIONS='http://... http://...' # space-sep list of mission scripts to install # SHIPS=TSN-Artemis.ca.pl # to pre-populate the names of TSN Canada ships, or... # SHIPS=EFShips.pl # to pre-populate the names of Eastern Front ships # EE_VER # If you'd rather play Empty Epsilon instead export LC_ALL=C # faster sorting chmod 644 /var/log/cloud-init-output.log # so we can read it without sudo! # Drop privs, run MOST of this as local "ubuntu" user: if [[ "$USER" = "ubuntu" ]]; then bash; else su ubuntu; fi <<'__UBUNTU__' #!/bin/bash cd || exit # download stuff to homedir export PATH=~/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin \ NEBULA=${NEBULA:-https://noseynick.org/artemis/nebula} wget -t3 -T3 -O- "$NEBULA/nebula" | install -vDm755 /dev/stdin ~/bin/nebula nebula banner bash Init environment # ; env nebula keepconf.sh bash nebula web.sh bash nebula puppy.sh bash nebula ssh.sh bash nebula apt.sh bash nebula teamspeak.sh bash nebula x11.sh bash nebula artemis-dl.sh bash nebula vnc.sh bash nebula menu.sh bash nebula artemis.sh bash banner 'DONE - stop the clock!' nebula logs.sh bash __UBUNTU__